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Cardio power and resistance as you begin using HIIT to build basic levels of fitness and progress to improve your metabolism and performance, you can then branch out to try more varied and challenging exercises.
If you know precisely what it is that you’re trying to achieve with your training, then you might find that one of these types of training is actually the most advantageous for you.
Cardio power and resistance are going to be looking at adding an additional layer of resistance into your training to boost your weight loss.

Resistance Cardio
Now one of the best ways to mix up your training is to change the type of exercise that you’re using in your HIIT routines that will discuss further.
Cardio power and resistance is essentially a type of cardio where your movements are challenged by some form of resistance.
And it’s like weightlifting combined with cardio which you will learn more about as you read on.
Some examples are to increase the resistance setting on a stationary bike or to run on sand. If you have ever done that you know it’s much more difficult then running on pavement.
There are a lot of advantages to this kind of training because performing this kind of cardio can burn a lot of calories without worrying that you’ll lose much muscle mass.
Cardio power and resistance you’re engaging even more of your fast-twitch muscle fibers and you’re driving blood and metabolites to your muscles where they will stimulate growth.
And building muscle at the same time as burning fat will help you to create a much superior physique too and this is something that a lot of people don’t realize and because of this are frustrated with their results.
If you don’t want to be what is considered skinny fat the only way to get rid of cellulite is to tone up your legs, buttocks or whatever the offending area may be for you.

Cardio Power And Resistance Using Kettlebells
Using the kettlebell swing is in many ways the ideal choice for HIIT and especially if you’re interested in building muscle as well as burning fat.
And you’ll always find that both the kettlebell swing and HIIT are among the favorite tools that are used during CrossFit workouts.
The main difference between a dumbbell and a kettlebell is that the kettlebell has the weight located at the bottom and this moves the center of gravity.
If you’d like to learn several exercises using kettlebells read using kettlebells to lose weight here.
The kettlebell uses a lot of smaller supporting muscles that are overlooked in other types of training and this helps you to develop functional strength as well as cardio power and resistance.
Because of the swinging motion, you use various different forms of continuous motion, which is ideal for all kinds of exercises.
To get started using your kettlebell simply grab the kettlebell in both hands and choose a weight that is going to become challenging after only 20 seconds.
You should be standing straight with your legs shoulder-width apart and the kettlebell hanging in front of you, held in both hands with arms straight.
Squat down slightly and as you do, allow the kettlebell to swing in between your legs it might feel strange at first but you will get used to it after a few sets.
Next push through your legs to stand back up and as you do, thrust your hips forward to push the weight out in front of you.
You will want to keep your arms straight and don’t attempt to lift the weight but instead let it swing up naturally in front of you.
Trying to lift will be the natural mistake for some if you are a beginner.
How To Complete a Kettlebell Swing
The traditional kettlebell swing should reach about the height of your shoulders the kettlebell will hang in the air and then it will start to descend again as gravity starts.
And the trajectory downward and as you do drop back into the squat position and let the weight swing back through your legs again.
You did it!
That’s one repetition.
Keep going…
The kettlebell swing is perfect for cardio exercises because you can keep going and allow cardio power and resistance until you start tiring.
And because you are involving your muscles throughout you’ll find it burns more calories and you’ll protect your muscles from deterioration too.
For women looking to improve their legs, butt, and stomach, the kettlebell swing is one of the very best choices and it’s common knowledge that squatting gives women a nice shapely butt.
This is one of the reasons kettlebell exercises make it the perfect sculpting tool that you should implement into your workout routine.
The kettlebell is simple, cheap and easy to use and with only a 20 to 30 minutes workout 3 to 4 days a week, you can see your body transform into a fitter and healthier version of you.
Cardio power and resistance you can use this right at home over the course of 20 minutes or more if you are intermediate to advanced.
For those looking to build muscle and burn fat cardio power and resistance movements are the best way to go. Using Hiit is a great way to get started.
Kettlebell exercises are easy to perform it just may take a few times to feel comfortable with the swinging motions when you are a beginner.
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