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Does basketball count as cardio?
The answer is that it does depend on how intense the game is and also how often you play.
Basketball counts more towards cardio if the game has a lot of running and fast-paced action.
If you’re just standing around, then it does not count too much towards cardio.
Does basketball count as cardio It is a commonly held belief that sports like basketball and soccer do not count as cardio.
This is because they do not cause the heart rate to increase the way sustained aerobic exercise does.
But is this true?
It can be argued that any exercise routine will burn fat and keep you in shape.
So it doesn’t matter if your heart rate stays the same throughout the workout or rises dramatically during a sprint, your cardiovascular fitness levels will improve with time.
You may be wondering what exactly a workout for weight loss entails, and if it will work for you.
It does not matter what type of fitness lifestyle you are looking to live, there is a workout for weight loss that will work to fit your needs.
For many people, the diet and exercise that they did to lose weight in the past was not sustainable (which caused them to eventually gain it all back).
With these workouts, there is no need to worry about that because they are designed with sustainability in mind.
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Ways To Burn Calories With Basketball
Now here is a list of ways to burn calories with basketball below:
– Use a ball to work on your cardio and arm strength.
– Use a ball to work on your cardio and arm strength. The more that you dribble the more calories you’ll burn.
– The more that you dribble the more calories you’ll burn. Dribbling up and down the court is really great for this as it requires constant motion.
– Dribbling up and down the court is really great for this as it requires constant motion. You can also make things a little tougher by adding some hills, stairs, or turns into your run, which will increase your heart rate and calorie expenditure even further!
The game of basketball is one of the most popular sports in America.
It is no surprise that basketball is one of the best ways to burn calories.
One hour of playing basketball can burn more than 500 calories, which is equivalent to about 13 miles (20 kilometers) of running.
Over the course of a game, players move around for more than an hour and exert power through jumping, hustling, and tackling – all while burning between 300-500 calories per game.
It turns out that in order for a player to play a full 40 minutes and burn 500 calories, they would need to sprint at top speed for 2 minutes straight and then rest for 18 minutes before resuming their sprinting.

5 Benefits of Playing Basketball
Playing sports can be physically demanding and at the same time give you a great workout.
Below Are Five Benefits of Playing Basketball That You Might Not Know About:
#1. Cardio
Does basketball count as cardio?
It does if you move around a lot which I always have when I play.
Playing basketball can increase your heart rate and make you stronger.
#2. Burn Calories
My favorite reason for playing basketball is that it can help you burn off calories.
You can burn off up to 600 calories playing a game of basketball.
If you play multiple times per week and eat a healthy diet you can see how this can help you lose weight over time.
#3. Make New Friends
Losing weight is a great benefit but making new friends is awesome too.
Playing basketball is a team sport that requires multiple players.
So if you enjoy playing this game and find that you spend too much time indoors.
Consider finding basketball as a way to get out and meet new friends.
#4. Relieves Stress
Basketball and really most forms of exercise are beneficial in helping you relieve stress.
77% of Americans are reported to be feeling enough stress to affect their health.
If you find that you are under stress and need a way to release it playing basketball could be the answer you have been looking for.
#5. Build Strength
There are sometimes when going to the gym isn’t the kind of exercise you want.
You can still build strength by playing basketball the constant dibbling and running back and forth across the court can help build endurance and strength.

Does basketball count as cardio?
It absolutely can if you make sure to keep active throughout the game.
Playing basketball has several benefits like relieving stress, building strength, and burning calories.
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