dr sam robbins

Dr Sam Robbins – Unlock Your Chiseled Chest And Get Rid Of Man Boobs

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Dr Sam Robbins has been helping people look and feel better about their bodies with his array of products.

Unlock your chiseled chest helps men get rid of an embarrassing problem commonly referred to as man boobs.

It’s when you have a soft flabby chest that can appear as boobs. There are ways to get rid of it without having to undergo surgery and that is what we will help you with today.

The medical term is gynecomastia which you can learn more about over on Web MD by clicking on the link here.

You might try and just hide it or avoid dealing with this problem wearing clothes that conceal it, but if you really want to do something about it you definitely can.

As a quick disclaimer, I’m not a physician so it’s always best to check with a medical professional first.

Before starting a new exercise or diet and to find out if there are medical reasons why you have gynecomastia.


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Five Killer Chest Exercises


The chest exercises here will help burn fat off your chest and tone your chest. It’s going to be tough… we don’t call it Killer Chest Day for nothing!

#1. Bench Press

Hold the bar inward and squeeze your chest. This is where you will get the most out of this exercise.

5 Sets


1st SET 12 Reps

2nd Set 10 Reps

3rd Set 8 Reps

4th Set 6 Reps

5th Set 3 Reps

Your chest will be sore and burning if you completed all these sets… you did complete them, right?


dr sam robbins


#2. Incline Barbell Press

This works your upper chest and again flex at the top and let the bar down slowly. The number of sets and reps will be the same for all the exercises on this list.



#3. Dumbbell Flys

This exercise isolates the arm and focuses on making the chest perform to Its maximum. If you have any injuries be careful when doing this exercise.


#4. Dumbbell Pullovers

This is an excellent exercise for your chest it also expands your chest and gives you a good stretch. Use a weight that is moderately heavy.



#5. Chest Dips

I almost always add this exercise into my chest workouts. They will give you a good burn and if you are up for you can even add weights to this exercise.


How to Get A Chiseled Chest

Dr Sam Robbins will help you to continue with getting rid of your man boobs.

He has put together a program designed to help men with this problem and there are many happy customers that no longer feel embarrassed or ashamed to have their shirt off anymore.

You can be the next to regain your confidence and end this problem once and for all.

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dr sam robbins
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