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At some point in time you have probably experienced heartburn.
Heartburn is a common problem created by acid reflux, a condition where some of the stomach contents are forced back up into the esophagus.
It creates a burning pain in the lower chest and can become a problem for some people if it’s recurrent it would be diagnosed as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD or GORD)
Some of the causes of heartburn include poor diet, obesity, lack of exercise, and can be common during pregnancy.
There are some common symptoms of heartburn such as the following:
- Acid Taste In Your Mouth
- Indigestion Like Pain
- A Burning Sensation In The Middle Of The Chest
- Feeling Of A Rising Pain Possibly To The Jaw

Below Are Some Ways To Prevent Heartburn:
- Changes To Your Lifestyle (Stop Smoking/ Lose Weight)
- Changes To Your Behavior ( Exercise Regularly )
What are the risks to having heartburn?
According to medical news today If you are experiencing persistent exposure to stomach acid, it can damage your esophagus.
How Can I Get Rid Of Heartburn With No Medication?

Natural ways to stop heartburn before it starts:
#1. Drink More Water
#2. Avoid Eating 2-3 hours before bedtime
#3. Quit Smoking
#4. Eat slowing and try eating smaller bites
#5. Avoid tight fitting clothing
#6. Eat a healthy diet and exercise
#7. Avoid Foods that trigger heartburn

Additional Home Remedies For Heartburn
There are a lot of common items in your home that can help you with heartburn if you are experiencing it now.
- Pineapple Juice – Did you know that drinking 4 oz. of pineapple juice after meals highly effective in reducing hyperacidity and heartburn.
- Apples – Eating an apple will help to neutralize the acid in your stomach in about 5 minutes.
- Grapes- Try Eating 10 to 20 grapes whenever you experience any type of digestion issue.
- Peppermint Oil – This trick works very well just add two drops of peppermint oil to 8 oz. of cold water and drink whenever you have indigestion.
- Almonds – Eating almond are especially good for digestion because their high oil content neutralizes stomach acid.
- Apple Cider Vinegar – Stir 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into 1/2 cup of water or apple juice & drink immediately after each meal.
- Chewing Gum – Choose a sugar-free, fruit-flavored gum. Mint gums can be irritating to some people.

Having heartburn is usually not a serious issue, but in some cases in can be. If you are experiencing heartburn on a consistent basis you should see your doctor.
Preventing heart burn is as easy and simple as following the simple steps above …
… Drinking more water is what I have noticed worked great for me.
There are several items you probably have in your home now that can help you when you need help getting rid of heartburn.
Apple cider vinegar is good for more than just heartburn. If you’d like to find it online you can get it here. If you prefer pills to liquid that’s ok too.
Even though heartburn doesn’t feel good you now will know what you can do to get rid or it or prevent it in the first place.
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