how to get a six pack

How To Get A Six Pack- It’s Easier Than You Think!

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Do you want to learn how to get a six pack?

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For starters you really have no business struggling with sit-ups and talking about a six-pack if you’re 30 pounds overweight.


Because getting a six-pack requires you to first be at your ideal weight.

From there, you’ll lower your bodyfat percentage till you reach the single digits.

You have to shed the layers of fat that are hiding your abs and you will when you lower your bodyfat percentage.

In bodybuilding, they call it being vascular.

Men will see their six-pack once they’re at 6 to 9 percent body fat.

Women will see it when they’re at 16 to 19 percent body fat.

Want to find out how to get a six-pack?

Continue to read on and find out the answer to this question.


how to get a six pack


Want A Six Pack Belly?

If you really want a six back you must monitor your calories very closely.

You can see the calculation below.

To see a 2-pack – (Bodyweight in pounds X 13) calories
To see a 4-pack – Bodyweight in pounds X 12) calories
To see a 6-pack – (Bodyweight in pounds X 11) calories

 When taking your weight in pounds and multiplying it by the numbers shown.

For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should be consuming no more than 2,080 calories a day till you see your 2-pack, which is your top 2 abs muscles.

Then drop your calorie intake to your current weight multiplied by 11.

Do not start off with your bodyweight and multiply it by 10 just so you can get your six-pack faster. 

Watch the video below for additional information on how to calculate calories:


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Exercises To Get A Six Pack

If you have read our other posts you know that I keep saying that dieting always comes down to what you eat and your exercise routine.

And you’ll need to make sure that most of your workouts are at maximum intensity. 

This is key to burning fat!

This will create a situation known as EPOC – excess post-exercise oxygen consumption.

Once you reach this stage, your body will be in fat-burning mode for 10 to 14 hours after your workout.

The best part is now the fat will just melt off.

Your full-body workouts should consist of the following exercises below:


  • Deadlifts
  • Pull-ups
  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Snatches
  • Mountain climbers
  • Burpees
  • Bench presses
  • Hanging leg raises


Luckily you won’t need to spend a lot of time doing these exercises.

You only need to do about 20 to 30 minutes.

If you would like an example of a workout routine you can find one here.

Fortunately, There’s no need for 45-minute or 60-minute workouts.

Make sure you always lift as much weight as you can fast and with good form.


how to get a six pack


6 Pack Abs Diet

Remember this…

When trying to shed excess fat, as long as you’re at a caloric deficit, you’ll lose weight.

This might surprise you…

You could sneak in junk food now and then and still lose weight as long as you consume fewer calories than you expend.

Have you ever known someone that didn’t eat healthily but still lost weight are kept thin?

This is why.

Did you know that A bar of chocolate that has 200 calories is a lot more detrimental than a slice of steak that is also 200 calories?

That’s because Not all calories are made equal.

For this reason, you will need to clean up your diet as much as you can.

You should avoid processed foods and dairy as much as you can.

And stick to single-ingredient foods such as broccoli, chicken breast, etc. 

You should consume most of your calories in protein and fat. 

 This is known as the popular ketogenic diet.

 Here’s a tip you should note…

To really speed things up, incorporate intermittent fasting into your program and have a 5 or 6-hour eating window.

And be aware of is that for each gram of carbohydrates that you consume.

It’s good to keep a food journal to keep track of your calories throughout the day.

Your body will hold on to 3 grams of water.

It might seem strange but you should drink more water to reduce water retention. 

Here’s the secret…

All you need is short but intense workouts and you will find that it is more than enough to get your six-pack.



The good news on how to get a six pack…

It’s easier than you think it is.

Some might think you need to starve yourself and workout for hours every day to attain this goal.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

It will take discipline and dedication, but if you follow the tips here you can have the six pack you always wanted.

One last word of advice is to take before and after pictures.

This is especially good for motivation for the first 30, 60, and 90 days.

You will see a lot of transformation during this time frame.


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