how to get back my gains after lock lockdown

How To Get Back My Gains After Lock Lockdown Actionable Tips

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How To Get Back My Gains After Lock Lockdown

How to get back my gains after lock lockdown was my number one fitness goal when the gyms started to reopen in my area.

I was very excited to get back to the gym after only having a few workout items in my home.

Fortunately you don’t need a lot of equipment to get in a good workout at home and even get back any gains that you have lost.

Once I returned to the gym I found that we couldn’t work out unless we wear a mask.

This is of course completely absurd.

You can’t breathe property in a mask.

And now my excitement of returning to the gym was over.

I had lost a lot of my gains from the over two months without a decent workout.

Now I wasn’t going to get a proper workout at the gym either.

This is when I decided to cancel my gym membership.

And invest into some extra equipment for my home.

If you are fed up with all of the non sense going on today.

All you want to do is get in shape and get back your gains.

Read on to learn How To Get Back My Gains After Lock Lockdown.

How To Get Back My Gains After Lock Lockdown

Best Equipment For A Home Gym On A Budget

If you have enough space in your home to exercise you won’t need a lot of equipment to get a complete work out.

You won’t need a lot of space either.

Below Are The Equipment I use To Get Back My Gains At Home:

#1. Bench

How To Get Back My Gains After Lock Lockdown

You can complete several exercises with a bench.

They range in prices from $40 to $150.

I found a good price on my bench on eBay here.

#2. Kettle Bell

How To Get Back My Gains After Lock Lockdown

READ: Kettlebell Exercise Routine

Kettle bells don’t take up very much space and can last you for many years.

There is a wide selection available on eBay here.

#3. Jump Rope

A jump rope can give you a fantastic cardio workout and you can get them for less than $10 on eBay.

#4. Dumb Bells

How To Get Back My Gains After Lock Lockdown

Dumb bells are an essential item for any home gym.

You should select a weight that you can do for reps of 10 to 12 and heavy dumb bells that are good for 6 to 8 reps too.

There are is sure to be the right dumb bell for your here.

#5. Barbell

Barbell exercises build power and strength.

If that is not your goal this item can be optional.

You can get a quality barbell that ranges from $80 to $300 on eBay here.

#6. Weight Plates

How To Get Back My Gains After Lock Lockdown

Weight plates are key for those that want to get back their gains.

There are a variety of weight choices at a good deal on eBay here.

This is all of the basic equipment you need to work out from home and maintain your gains and even improve from where you are right now.

If you purchase all of the equipment from this list is will still cost less than most gym memberships.

And you get to keep it so it’s an investment for your health that can pay off for years to come.

It seems more and more people are starting to workout from home for many different reasons.

Some people are extremely afraid to expose themselves to the virus.

Others are sick of all of the crazy restrictions.

Whatever the reason is for you.

Having a home gym is a great way to stop any further loss of your hard earned gains.

Next I’ll show you some exercises you can do from home that will give you an amazing work out.

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Best Exercises To Restore Muscle Gains From Home

There are some basic exercises that you can do from home that don’t require any equipment.

And with the gym gear above you can increase muscle and work out any time of the day you want without stepping foot in the gym.

Let me show you how below:

Exercises Without Gym Gear:


If you are not in the habit of exercising I’d suggest starting with a daily walk

Start out slow and work your way up.

READ: How To Lose 20 Pounds In 3 Months By Walking Really Works

Push Ups

This is the exercise you have probably done since gym class.

Push Ups can be a great warm up exercise.

I like to complete 100 reps.

You can spread them out such as 10 sets of 10 reps or 4 sets of 25 reps.

This exercise is good for toning your chest.

Crunches /Sit Ups

To get a flat stomach and strengthen your abs fast.

There is nothing like good old fashion sits ups or crunches.

At one point in time I used to complete 2000 a day.

That would probably take me all day now.

Although aim for at least 100 and make sure to stretch before and after this exercise.


I don’t have a squat rack, but I still get in a good leg work out with body weight squats and lunges.

Exercises With Gym Gear

Dumbell/Barbell Curls

Build your biceps with barbell curls and shape your arms with dumb bells.

Determine your goal first.

Do you want to build muscle mass or just tone and shape.

For building muscle choose a weight that you can complete 6 to 8 reps.

And if you want to tone or shape your arm choose a weight that you can complete 10 to 12 reps.

Dumb Bell Chest Press

Watch the video below for expert tips on this exercise:

Barbell Rows

This exercise helps to build your back and tone at the same time.

Barbell rows should be completed with proper form to avoid injuries.

Check out the video below:

Nutritional Tips

Now you know How To Get Back My Gains After Lock Lockdown.

Although even with the exercise tips and gym equipment recommendations.

There is still one part of the fitness equation that is missing.

Can you guess what it is?

That’s right, it’s nutrition.

Eating healthy can greatly improve how quickly you get back your gains after lockdown.

Below Are Some Healthy Eating Tips:

#1. Fruits – This is a good source of rich in minerals and nutrition

#2. Nuts – Great source of protein, vitamin E, Iron, and Fats

#3. Salad – Just make sure to pour dressing on in moderation

#4. Peanut Butter – One table spoon is about 120 Calories

#5. Oatmeal – Add cinnamon to give it a flavor boost

Gluten Intolerance Symptoms


How To Get Back My Gains After Lock Lockdown is not as complicated as you might have thought.

In my case I decided to cancel my gym membership.

Although you don’t have to do the same.

For me it has been beneficial in many ways.

Now I am on track to regain all of my lost gains.

You can do the same by adding in some basic gym equipment.

Eating healthy and keeping yourself accountable by exercising at least 3 or 4 times per week.

You can start with a walk and work your way up if this is all new for you.

And as always check with your medical provider before starting any new exercise or diet plan.

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