Is there a cure to baldness

Is There A Cure To Baldness?(What You Should Know)

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Why Am I Losing My Hair

Unfortunately, there is no cure to baldness today, but there are several effective ways to slow down the balding process.

Medical advancements and research suggest there is a future cure to going bald sometime after 2020, but if you are like me and don’t look good bald you’d do almost anything to get your hair back.
Waiting around for a cure isn’t very encouraging.
I wanted my hair back now, not in some future time.
Well if you feel the same way read on there is hope for those of you that don’t want to spend any more time losing the hair you have left.
I’ve dug into this topic because I noticed more and more over time I was losing more and more hair.

I tried several products on the market and even looked into the option of surgery. While I know a lot of people go for the surgical option it is very expensive so not something everyone can afford and I was concerned that I might look even worse after going for the surgical option. I’ve seen some good hair transplants and some that looked terrible and that is why I decided not to go that route.

why am I balding

Why Am I losing my hair?

The main reason many people lose their hair is due to heredity. Male or female pattern baldness is the most common and occurs with aging.

If you want to know exactly why you are going bald its best to check with your doctor as there can be other reasons that balding occurs.

Research suggests that if you have a father that is bald you are twice as likely to be bald yourself.

The Male hormone dihydrotestosterone, which causes old hairs on the scalp to be replaced by progressively shorter and thinner hairs this pattern continues the beginning at the temples and crown of the head.

Over time less hair is growing until you are left with a bald head.  

Stress, illness, and childbirth can cause temporary hair loss.

Is There A Cure To Balding

How To Conceal Balding

One of the best things you can do if you are losing your hair is to accept it and not hold on to your past self-identity of when you had a full head of hair.

This will only make things worse on you and prolong the changes that you don’t have any control over.

Until a cure is available that everyone can afford there are only a few ways to tackle this problem.

You can slow down the balding process and even regrow new hairs or conceal the fact that you’re losing your hair by concealing it. 

Some men try the dreaded comb-over which looks awful and isn’t fooling anyone.

It’s best to cut your hair as short as possible and keep it as short as possible.

This will help you get used to less hair and the areas of your head that are balding won’t look as bad.

Of course, there are the obvious ways to conceal you’re balding like wearing a hat or scarf.

You can try a concealer which helps your hair appear thicker and fuller. You can check it out for yourself by clicking here.  

The concealer will match to your hair color and is very easy to apply. Just sprinkle it on the thinning areas and instantly your hair appears fuller.


Is There A Cure To Balding

Balding and Self-Esteem Correlation

Losing your hair can be incredibly difficult to accept. It seems to happen almost overnight. One day you were combing a thick full head of hair and the next you are looking for ways to regrow your hair.

It’s upsetting and can also lower your self-esteem. I know I didn’t feel as confident when I was noticing my hair thinning more and more over time.

I would wonder if I was the only one that could notice this or was it just as obvious to everyone else.

Would I still be desirable or were my days of attracting a beautiful woman a thing of the past. I’m sure this is even worse for women since it’s less acceptable for a woman to be bald.

Men older than me that had experienced the same situation when they were younger told me I’d care less about going bald when I’m their age, but this didn’t do much to comfort me.

It almost became an obsession to get my hair back. I didn’t realize how much I loved my hair until it started falling out.

Why Am I Balding

What Are The Best Ways To Treat Balding?

There are many treatments to help restore your hair and regrow new hairs. I’ve found that the laser hair products work best. The iRestore Hair Laser is state of the art.

If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it to anyone that is suffering from hair loss like I am. It’s comfortable to use and has been proven to grow thicker and fuller hair.

I have regained hairs that I thought were gone forever. It was a nice surprise to hear from my friends that it looked like my hair was coming back.

It’s not the cheapest laser hair product on the market, but it’s also not the most expensive laser hair treatment either.

Some cost 4-5 times more, but after doing my own research I didn’t find any better results by paying the extra money for those other more expensive laser treatments.

If there would have been reported results for paying more money I would have had no problem. Fortunately, I didn’t have too.

Why the iRestore Hair Laser is so effective at regrowing hair?

  1. It’s FDA approved effective and safe to use for both men and womenWhy Am I losing my hair
  2. Drug-Free solution to various hair loss problems 
  3. In a four-month study- Over 43% had fuller and thicker hair
  4. Easy to use and hands-free with a timer to keep track of your session 

iRestore Laser Hair Growth System is an effective treatment for anyone wanting thinker and fuller hair. In a 2017 case study, 100% of the people had experienced significant hair growth.

The 51 lasers radiate light that is absorbed into the hair follicle which stimulates hair growth. Place the device on your head for 25 minutes every other day- you’ll notice thicker hair within a few months.

Your patience and effort will pay you back with more confidence and increased self-esteem. The 51 lasers radiate light that is absorbed into the hair follicle which stimulates hair growth. There is a one year manufacturer’s Warranty.

Before And After Results—————————————————————> why am I balding






You Don’t Have To Suffer From Balding

I would have thought by now there would be a cure for balding. In an age where technology advances at a lightning speed, it would seem with all the people that would love to have their hair back that someone would have invented a cure for it by now. Whoever does finally cure baldness will be instantly wealthy.

There are several reasons why you can lose your hair, but the most common is your heredity. Once you notice your hair thinning you can conceal it with a hat or try a concealer that will make your hair appear thicker and fuller.

The best thing men can do is wear a haircut that is as short as possible in order to make the balding less noticeable.

Today we are fortunate to at least have methods to slow down the balding process and with iRestore laser hair system, you can start to regrow your hair without expensive and painful surgery.

iRestore lasers work well I have regrown hair especially in the front on my head it’s not as noticeable and I can actually see hairs returning that had stopped growing.  It’s Very Exciting!!

The hairs on the back of my scalp are fuller and I feel more confident about my appearance. I hope after reading this you feel better or at least hopeful about getting your hair back because its possible and can be done inexpensively and without pain.

If you have any questions about hair loss or the iRestore laser hair system, feel free to leave comments. I’ll do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

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