Ketogenic Diet Food List

Ketogenic Diet Food List To Lose Weight Fast

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Best Ketogenic Diet Plan

Ketogenic Diet Food List

The Ketogenic Diet Is one Of the Most Popular Diets Today. With so many different diets available it’s important to choose the right one for you. One concern before starting a new diet is, what will I be able to eat?

This Diet has been effective for diabetes, epilepsy, and weight loss. The Ketogenic diet limits your carb intake to 20-50 grams per day.

That might not seem like much, but you’ll soon find out there is an abundance of foods that are nutritious for you that fit into this.

Below you’ll find the ketogenic diet food list:

Ketogenic Diet Food List

Meat and poultry

Both meat and poultry are a good source of protein. I recommend choosing grass-fed meat because animals that eat grass produce meat with higher amounts of Omega-3 fats.

Also eating meat and poultry contains no carbs and is rich in B vitamins. 

Ketogenic Food List

Cottage Cheese

One cup of cottage cheese small curd has 222 calories. Cottage cheese has protein, phosphorus,and sodium and packed with nutrients. Eating cottage cheese will boost your intake of calcium and selenium.

The selenium fights the aging process and also supports immune system. Cottage cheese provides vitamin A, which your body needs to support cell growth and maintain eye health.

Ketogenic Diet Food List


A fatty fish, Salmon is high in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D. Total fat ranges from 4-11 grams per 3 ounce cooked serving. Omega-3 fats are considered essential fats which means you must get them from your diet.

Salmon is also a source of of cholesterol and may contain high levels of dioxins. Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins or “dioxins” are a group of PCDD that are significant environmental energy.

Ketogenic Diet Foods List

Dark Chocolate

Not everyone is a fan of dark chocolate, but it contains antioxidants such as polyphennois and has low level of sugar. And if you are a fan of dark chocolate, that’s great because its known as one of the superfoods.

It’s made from the seed of cocoa tree and is one of the best sources of antioxidants. After researching all the nutritional benefits of dark chocolate I’ve added it to my diet. It also raises HDL and protects LDL from oxidation.

Ketogenic Diet Food List


I’ve always liked avocados. They are very nutritious and contain 20 different vitamins and minerals. Some of the nutrients are vitamin K, Vitamin C, Potassium, and Vitamin E. Avocados contain no cholesterol or sodium and are low in saturated fat.


Ketogenic Diet Food List



Broccoli contains folate which has been found to decrease the risk of breast cancer and also in protecting against colon,stomach and cervical cancers. Another benefit of broccoli is linked with improving bone health.

It also contributes to your dietary need of calcium. Incase that wasn’t enough benefits to eat broccoli, it also helps in looking younger because of the antioxidant vitamin C.

Ketogenic Diet Food List


Containing high quality protein help sustain mental and physical energy throughout your day. Egg yolks promote normal cell activity and liver function and the transportation of nutrients throughout the body.

Eggs are 70 calories and have 6 grams of protein with 250 milligrams of choline. zero sugar or carbs.

Ketogenic Diet Food List

Seeds and Nuts 

The list of seed and nuts you can eat on the ketogenic diet food list and long:

  • Almonds
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Cashews
  • Pecans
  • Pistachios
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Walnuts
  • Chia Seeds
  • Flaxseeds
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Sesame Seeds

Ketogenic Diet Food List



Another Great antioxidant olives are a great source and contain 110-145 calories per 100 grams. Several benefits besides tasting good, they are low in calories, help to improve memory,help skin stay soft and healthy.

By eating a few olives before a meal you can help control your appetite. Olives are great source of Vitamin E and full or fiber.

Ketogenic Diet Food List


High in antioxidants and anthocyanin that can protect cells from free radical damage.

  • BlueBerries
  • Raspberries
  • Starwberries
  • Blackberries

Ketogenic Diet Food List



A cup of cucumber is just 16 calories and contain vitamin C,vitamin K,magnesium,potassium,and vitamin A. Cucumber helps keep you hydrated, supports heart health, fights inflammation in the body, relieves pain, and bad breath.

Consisting mostly of water cucumbers contain lignin, which may help fight cardiovascular disease.

Ketogenic Diet Food List


Ketogenic Diet Supplements

A list of helpful supplements that you can use in conjunction with the ketogenic Diet Food list.

  • Keto OS Chocolate Swirl You Can 
  • KetoLogic BHB Keto Supplement You Can  
  • Bone Broth Protein Powder You Can Get It Here

Some of the reasons you need Ketogenic diet supplement are the following:

  1. Fills in nutritional gaps
  2. Improves Keto Diet results
  3. Energy Booster
  4. Micronutrient Deficiencies

Ketogenic Diet Supplements Also help build muscle,protect your overall health and improve digestion.

If you’re feeling any of the following symptoms you may definitely benefit from adding Ketogenic Supplements:


  • Headaches
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty Concentrating

In Conclusion

The Ketogenic Diet can be beneficial in weight loss,epilepsy,and diabetes. There is a wide variety of foods available which makes it easier to follow than other diets I have been on. By consuming these foods on a regular basis you will reward your body in many ways.

This diet can have some side effects so adding supplements to your diet can help to alleviate any problems that might come up. I’ll follow up with a menu plan for Keto dieting shortly. Leave comments and come back often for more articles and updates.


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