Kettlebell Workout Weight Loss

Kettlebell Workout Weight Loss Exercises That Work Fast

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I Need More KettleBell-A Review Of Exercises

Recently I included kettlebells into my workout routine. There are many benefits to adding kettlebell exercises into your workouts. Because of their design you can use pushing and pulling exercises that work muscles in different ways.

Pulling movementswork your back,biceps,rear delts, traps, and forearms. Pushing involves the chest, triceps, and lateral delts. 

I’ve noticed my delts improve incredibly fast and my endurance has increased too. All within only the first 30 days of adding kettle bell exercises into my workout routine. It’s good to switch up your workouts with new exercises that will target your muscles in new ways, it also helps you from becoming bored. From beginner to advanced you will take your body to the next level.

Kettlebell Exercises

TheKettlebell Swing– Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and legs slightly bent. Your arms shouldn’t do the work, let your arms swing then let the weight swing between your legs. As a beginner do 3-4 sets of 10 and increase the sets and weight as you work your way up. Most men should feel comfortable starting with 16kg.

Kettlebell Snatch-Place your feet shoulder width apart and place the kettlebell between your feet. Grab the handle with one hand and arch your butt as you look straight ahead move your arm up over your head. Hold the kettle bell over your head and lock your arm. Then go back to the starting position.

Goblet Squat- Hold the kettlebell at the base or think of holding it upside down so the handle points down. Keep and hold the kettlebell at your chest and slowly squat down. Then return to standing position.

Kettlebell Push-Ups- Place kettlebell on the floor. Now get yourself into a pushup position with one hand on the floor and one on the kettlebell. Lower yourself with your back straight then as you push yourself up switch hands as you get the other side.

Kettlebell Press- Starting position clean the kettlebell to your shoulders by extending through the legs and hips as you pull towards your shoulder. Press it up and out until it is locked out overhead. Lower to your shoulder and repeat.

Where Can I Get A KettleBell?

After reviewing the benefits of having kettlebells the next step is finding out where and how to choose the right one for your home. you don’t need the most expensive, but you definitely don’t want the cheapest one either. It’s recommend to have a couple of different weights that range from 8kg, 16kg, and 20kg or 24kg.

As you begin to train with your kettlebell, the first thing you’ll notice after doing thousands of reps overtime is the quality of the handle. Make sure the handle doesn’t have rough edges, you’re hands will thank you later. Also, you don’t want the handle to be too smooth either, because as you sweat that can make it difficult to get a good grip.

This is an investment that will last you a long time. Here’s a list of recommend kettlebells, any of them are perfect for a beginner to advance level of athlete.

  1. Ader Kettlebell- Excellent construction and comfortable grip. It ships free from amazon you can view if here.
  2. Perform Better Cast Iron Kettlebell- Durable cast iron with a rubber bottom. Also available with free shipping from amazon. You can view it here.
  3. TDS Wide Handle Kettlebell- I like these the best because of the handle. Also with Free Shipping from Amazon.

Conclusion-Kettlebells Are Very Effective

Even if you’re not a serious lifter, you should consider kettlebells as a way to enhance your overall workouts. Drive results to the next level and improve your health and fitness. There are literally dozens of exercises possible with kettlebells. Adding them into my training has made a big difference in my strength and endurance.

With Kettlebells you can do exercises that you can not do with a barbell or dumbbell. That’s one of the many reasons I enjoy them. The wide range of motion can also help improve joint mobility from all angles. I’d be interested in hearing from you and finding out which kettlebell exercise you like best and what kind you like to use.


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