lose 15 pounds in a month

Lose 15 Pounds In A Month-Easy Step by Step Tips

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I was out shopping for clothes the other day and the sizes that used to fit me where now feeling kinda tight.

This lead me to get on the scale when I got home…


Could this be a defective scale? 🙈

Unfortunately it wasn’t, I had gained almost 10 pounds since last summer.

That’s when I decided to get myself back on track and lose this extra weight.

If you have found yourself in this situation too and what to lose 15 pounds in a month then you have come to the correct website.

In this post you’ll learn how to quickly drop weight so you can look and feel your best.

Steps To Lose 15 Pounds In A Month

Well it happens to everyone and weather it’s for a special occasion or you neglected those cardio days following these tips will help you lose weight fast.

Step 1 Reduce Carbohydrates And Fats

Lowering your carb intake will help you appear thinner in only a few days. Keep that in mind when you feel like cheating.

Focus on eating smaller portions and carbs like the ones below:

(limit to no more than 30g per meal)

  • Rice
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Seeded Breads
  • Quinoa

It’s ok to have small amounts of the following with each meal…

(just limit your intake to 10g)


  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Avocado
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Olive Oil
  • Nuts/Seeds

Step 2 Focus On Protein For Most Meals

Protein has always been my first focus when I need to lose weight fast and it’s because it will help reduce your hunger while boosting your motabolism.

You’ll feel fuller for longer periods of time and maintain your muscle mass. It’s also quick and easy to do…

…even for people that don’t have time to cook.

As a rule for this 30 day diet you should consume 6 oz of protein into each meal.

I like to eat meat or fish and then combine it with vegetables.

You can experiment with some low-calorie sauces or seasonings to give the meal some added flavor.

I know I need food that tastes good even when I’m dieting to keep me on track to reach my weight loss goal.

Step 3 Exercise Using HIIT Workout At Least 3 Times Week


Why the HIIT workout?

Because the way you exercise will play a crucial part in how successful you are in losing weight quickly in a short amount of time.

If done correctly each workout can help you lose up to and over 1000 calories each time you exercise.


Recommended Supplements To Boost Weight Loss Fast


#1. Red Tea aids in weight loss and has a naturally sweet taste. It’s also been noted to help detox your body and balance blood sugar levels.

#2. Caffeine pills for a short period of time can aid in weight loss. This is good for a quick boost to your metabolic rate, but this is not a long term solution because your body becomes used to it and won’t be as effective.

#3. Whey Protein as noted above to help suppress your appetite can be found in most grocery stores and of course health food stores.

lose 15 pounds in a month


There you have it all the steps you need to lose 15 pounds in only a month. Just stick with the process and try not to get down on yourself if you aren’t seeing results as fast as you would like.

Most diets fail because they are not sustainable, but this diet and exercise plan is designed for 30 days. More than enough time to lose 15 pounds.

You may even see results much faster. Just know that if you want to keep this weight off for the long term it will require a life style change.

One that will change the way you eat and include exercise at least 3 to 4 times every week.

What diet or exercise tips would you like to know more about? Leave your comments below.