pure fitness

Pure Fitness – How To End The Struggle With Losing Belly Fat

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Pure fitness is a way of thinking and losing belly fat is not just about the food. And it’s not just about exercise either.

What I’m talking about is your entire lifestyle and everything that you are doing around your diet.

Remember, your lifestyle is likely what got you into this state in the first place. And it’s probably what’s making it so hard to get out.

Do you feel stuck in a rut?

You will learn how to get on track to achieving your fitness goals and keeping a healthy lifestyle as a way of life.

We’ve already seen how coming home stressed from work makes you more likely to binge eat and then store fat more rapidly this can be very discouraging.

Especially when you have been struggling to lose your belly fat and you have been doing everything you know to do to get rid of it.

This is a combination of factors but even comes down to the direct and precise action of cortisol on the body.

If you can remove stress from your life, then you’ll have far more energy for working out and eating right.

And you will look and feel better too.


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Pure Fitness Ways To Decrease Stress


One way to decrease stress is to take up meditation or another form of practice that will help you to combat stress generally. 

Meditation can significantly improve your mood, help you to cope with stress better and even make you smarter! 

As well as help you battle cortisol as you know is one reason you can have a difficult time getting rid of belly fat.

Meditation is a great tool to help fortify you and defend you against things going wrong that can prevent you from continuing your new healthy lifestyle.

Another tip is to look for ways to make your life a little easier. One obvious culprit may be the commute.

If you could eliminate the stress of your daily commute it could free up a lot of time and lower your stress.

Could you make this easier in any way?

You might even decide that the job you’re doing is not for you. It might be causing you more stress then it’s worth.

If it’s not leaving you with the energy or the willpower you need to look after your own health then guess what: this job is not good for you and you

You should probably quit!

Prioritize your health as a way of pure fitness.

Find a job that is better suited for you that doesn’t cause you stress and take away from your health.



Additional Tips For Pure Fitness


It should go without saying that you should also avoid any toxins that might damage your metabolism or overall health.

This particularly applies to smoking and to alcohol – both of which can really stand in your way of successful and healthy weight loss.

As well as your energy levels…

Another tip though is to make sure that you are getting enough sleep. You can do this by sleeping on a schedule which means you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

The proper amount of sleep for adults is 7 to 9 hours.

You actually burn a lot of sleep during the night but what’s even more important is the fact that sleep is what sets your rhythms and begins the cycle between catabolic and anabolic.

You might want to consider investing in a daylight lamp.

These are alarms that wake you up with a wavelength similar to that of the sun and which get brighter slowly like sunrise and better to wake up to then a loud alarm clock in my opinion.


pure fitness



Pure fitness is a way of life. You need to do what you can to lower your stress, eat healthy, exercise, and get plenty of sleep.

Just skimping on one area can make it more difficult to lose weight especially belly fat.


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