slim belly

Slim Belly- Learn This Secret Method To A Flat Stomach

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Slim belly seems to elude many people. Especially today when more people are overweight than ever before.

If you are already spending hours a week in the gym or working out in some other way, but not seeing any results this can be very frustrating.

This is when some people throw their hands up and give up. I’ve been there before I know how it feels to put in a lot of effort and not get the results I wanted.

If you are like me you are determined to reach your goal no matter what and giving up is not an option. That’s when it came to me I needed to change what I was doing.

When looking into what could be changed I found out that I just needed to alter a few of the things I was currently doing to lose the flab on my stomach.

Drinking this fat belly tea recipe was the first step. And about an hour or two before lunch and dinner I found myself getting hungry.

If this happens to you too then you may need to learn more about foods to avoid to lose belly fat here.

If your goal is to have a slim belly you will want to read this to the end. You will learn the hacks that can help you flush fat and finally get the flat stomach that has been evading for far too long.


slim belly


Slim Belly Secret Tips


Below you will find ways to get rid of belly fat and love handles and you can get started immediately:


Target The Fat

Slim belly hacks will require you to burn your overall body fat before your body allows you to start building a specific muscle group. 

Exercises such as Cycling, jogging, running, jumping rope, and swimming are some good aerobic exercises to achieve this goal faster.

And to enable your body to begin burning your stored fat, you should target fat for at least 30 minutes by performing heart-rate-elevating exercises that make you sweat.


Abdominal Exercise

This exercise will (target your upper abs) by following the steps below:

First, you want to find a place with solid support for your back. Lie on an exercise mat to prevent straining your back. If you don’t have an exercise mat you can get one inexpensively here.

Now your knees should be bent. Your feet position should be as wide as your hips and both should be flat on the floor.

And your hands should be behind your head. Hold your chin forward, not tucked into your chest. Try to gaze at the ceiling while you’re doing this workout to ensure your chin is in the right, safe position.

Make sure to exhale contract your abs muscle. Use your abs muscle to lift your head. Do not pull your head up with your hands as much as you can.

It’s ok if you want to pause for a moment. Just start again by squeezing your abdominal muscle as you do so then inhale slowly and ease your back down the starting position. 

You must control your movement while lifting your back up and going back down. Do not release and let go rapidly you don’t want to injure yourself.

You can now relax your muscles for a moment, exhale and repeat. Throughout the exercise, be mindful to keep your knees bent and your feet in the same position. And you never lift your lower back off the floor. I see this all too often so it’s worth pointing out.

slim belly


Lower Abdomen Exercise

This exercise is called a reverse crunch. It’s similar to the regular crunch, your hands are behind your head, your shoulders off the floor, but this time you are going to have knees in the air to start the movement.

Now with your feet and knees up, pull your knees as close as you can and hold that position. And from there just go back and forth and remember that a good reverse crunch that targets the lower abs would be a small movement for you.

Slim belly secret that you should know about is to make sure the crunch is a squeeze and not a rocking motion that you probably see all too often.

Lastly, you should not let your upper body move too much. This takes away from targeting the abs when you do. Then repeat the process for 50 reps.

slim belly

Exercise For Love Handles

This next exercise is called bicycle crunches. It targets your love handles.

Below are the steps to complete this exercise:

Find a place with solid support for your back. Then you can support your hands behind your head to make sure you are not yanking on your neck.

I’ve done that before and it can cause injury so should be avoided. This may cause pain and problems too. You are just supporting your head that’s all.

You should keep your shoulder blades off the ground. And bring your knees up to 90 degrees.

And bring your right elbow to left knee as you alternate side to side. The goal is to get your elbow as close to the inside of that knee as you can so focus on doing that.

Next, simultaneously and slowly go through a cycling motion and alternate. You should do these routines at least three times a week and preferably more. Just remember that crunches are best done very slowly and always with control and focus on the target area.


Dieting For A Slim Belly

Avoid eating processed foods because the ingredients in processed foods include sweeteners, coloring, and hydrogenated oils. There is nothing of nutritional value.

The ingredients in processed foods are not even recognized by your body as edible ingredients, so they end up being stored as fats. And that’s exactly what you don’t want!

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Drink Plenty Of Water

Did you know that studies have shown that people who drink a lot of water lose more weight and are able to keep it off longer?

Another reason to drinks more water is that Adequate water intake boosts your metabolism rate.

And drinking more water helps you stay away from empty-calorie drinks like soda and processed juice plus helps you feel full.


Eat More Protein

What are you eating for breakfast? Try instead of the usual ham and eggs, maybe you can go for nuts, egg whites, and cottage cheese.

And eat less but often is another great way to a slim belly. If you need help finding a quality protein you can get a free container all you pay is shipping. You can grab your free protein here.

Just focus on eating clean, taking it easy on junk food, drink plenty of water work those abs and do cardio! 

And before you know it you will have a slim belly.



There you have it the secret to a slim belly. If you want to boost your results we recommend this proven formula to a flat belly fast.

Once you see the results it will become an addiction. You will wonder why you didn’t do this sooner.


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