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Slim trim everybody wants to look and feel good. You hear or watch one commercial telling you their way is the right way to lose weight only to find out it wasn’t true or didn’t work for you.
Well despite the science being there to show us what really works, fat loss and nutrition plans are based around principles that don’t deliver results, and pseudoscience that just doesn’t stack up and leave you even more frustrated.
You don’t have to keep going from one diet to another. Getting a body that is slim trim can happen for you. Don’t give up read on to learn how to finally get results and lose weight.

What’s The Truth About Weight Loss?
Now, what’s the truth about weight loss and keeping slim trim? If you’ve gone the low-carb route, then your body’s stores of carbohydrate will be significantly lower, which in turn reduces your water weight.
And because you’re in such an aggressive calorie deficit, your body can only burn fat at a certain rate, and so instead of relying on fat for fuel, it’s burning up muscle which you never want to do.
You want to burn fat, not muscle!
Even if you try to work harder to be slim trim, you won’t be getting the same results, and you have to go longer and longer to get it back up.
Why is that?
This is because subconsciously, your body is trying to save energy, so driving your calorie burn down so you can see how this defeats the purpose.
Slim trim while often deemed safer than weights, this isn’t true either. Cardio (especially impact activities like running) can create huge stress on your joints and lead to injuries, particularly overuse injuries such as tendonitis and other related injuries.
So what can you do?
Doing this to combat such a drop in calories, your body also fights back with its a survival mechanism. This is perfectly normal, but you should understand this can be holding you back from your weight loss goal.
You have probably heard of this referred to as starvation mode, and while starvation mode itself is somewhat of a myth, there’s a degree of truth to it, though most people in the nutritional sciences industry refer to it as a metabolic adaptation which you can learn more about by clicking here.

Why You Give Up On Your Diet?
Slim trim is on your mind, but let’s say you’re out for a meal with friends, intend on having a plain steak or a chicken salad, but spy the burger and fries on the menu, and just can’t resist, so you have this.
Has this ever happened to you?
It’s happened to me plenty of times…
You want it because it tastes so good, and you figure that you’ve blown your diet anyway, and so you go on to have dessert, wine, and then chocolate when you get home, and before you know it you’ve eaten a week’s worth of calories in just a few hours.
If you track your calories it’s even more mind-boggling how many calories you just had in such a short amount of time.
And then you feel guilty and either plan to starve yourself the next couple of meals, do hours of cardio, or worse of all you just give up!
All of these are bad options obviously. And each and every time you do this, you’re making future fat loss progress harder and harder, as you’re playing Russian roulette with your metabolism which is never a good thing to do.

Slim trim living is a way of life. It’s easy to cheat on your diet and it’s easy to slack off and skip a day of physical fitness, but if you want it bad enough you will get that slim trim body you always wanted or lost and want again.
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