How To Set Goals For Physical Fitness Lifestyle

The Importance Of Goal Setting In Living A Physical Fitness Program

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The Importance Of Goal Setting In Living A Physical Fitness Program


The Basics of Setting Your Fitness Goals to Lead Your Healthiest Life

If you are like most people you set a goal for yourself every new years eve. I have done that for several years and within a few months, i’d realize my focus and commitment to that goal wasn’t there and so that goal ended up being next year’s goal.

After too many years of doing this I stopped and found out one curial step in stetting a goal. Decide your goal and do it immediately. There is absolutely no reason to put it off. Ok, you have your goal, now it’s time to get a pen and paper.

Write down your goal and be precise, what time frame do you want it and how will you gauge your progress to achieving it. This process will help to measure the goal and something happens internally once you write down you goal on paper. You may have heard goals are dreams with deadlines before and it’s true.

Make sure it’s an attainable goal that you are excited about. If you have tried this goal before and failed, it’s time to get real about yourself and shortcomings and find out what you need to do in order not to repeat the same mistakes.

It might require some scarifies and you have to be prepared mentally to take on these sacrifices in order to reach your goal this time. Something that you might not have considered is to do this for yourself. Because there will be times you won’t want exercise or your motivation will be low. Make sure your goal excites you, because if this is something you are doing to impress someone else it will only be temporary satisfaction.

The Importance Of Goal Setting In Living A Physical Fitness Program

Are you a goal oriented person?

If you are, then you probably know that all successful people in life know the basics of setting and achieving their goals. If you want to achieve a healthy life, then setting fitness goals should be no different than anything else you do.

Setting fitness goals gives you motivation and drives you for the short or long term success. Goal setting helps you obtain the knowledge necessary to achieve. If you plan and organize your time to exercise and eat the right meals, you will get the best out of your efforts.

Setting clearly defined fitness goals will also measure progress and provide accountability. Holding yourself accountable will help you through the challenging days (such as ordering pizza at work). Your self-confidence will sky rocket as you learn more about your capabilities.

The Importance Of Goal Setting In Living A Physical Fitness Program

Focus On Your Goals

One thing you need to do when setting fitness goals is to have a vision of where you want to be a month from now or a year from now. Your vision of yourself must be clearly defined. For example, a good short term goal would be ìI want to loose 8 lbs in one monthî. Then break down your goal into smaller targets so you can easily hold yourself accountable to complete it.

When using this weight loss example: you want to set weekly goals for that month to loose 2 lbs a week. Then write down the steps necessary to loose 2 lbs a week. Use these steps as your plan to success.

Having a good attitude has a big impact on setting and achieving your goals. You must be realistic with yourself and think about anything that would hold you back from loosing weight.

Realize any behavior challenges you may have ahead of time. It will give you a mindset to attack any issues you may encounter during your path to success. For example, if you love go out to eat with co workers, try to plan your order ahead of time so you eat clean and healthy for that meal.

The Importance Of Goal Setting In Living A Physical Fitness Program

Time Management To Reach Your Goals

Leading a healthy lifestyle is for the most part dependent on your time management skills. Most people fail because they often have bad time management skills and lack of persistence. Planning your work outs and meals ahead of time will decide success or failure.

Your family should never be left out of your plans. Do not to put your family aside. If you plan your workouts during family obligations you are setting yourself up for failure. Find out what time blocks you can control (such as waking up earlier) and use that time to plan your work outs.

Some Tips For Time Management And Your Fitness Goals:

  • Limit Social Time Or Socialize On The Go
  • Wake Up And Go To Bed Early
  • Wear A Pedometer
  • Track Your Progress Daily/Weekly
  • Reduce TV/Social Media/Video Games

Use your will power to get it done. Even if you have a few bad days or even weeks that make you want to give up. Never quit, just get back on track and most importantly stay consistent. Being Consistent is the key to success in a lot of different ways other than goal setting for a fitness program.

The Importance Of Goal Setting In Living A Physical Fitness Program

Everyone Needs A Break

Take advantage of life and pleasures: set up a cheat day once every other  week to eat what ever you want. I wouldn’t advise to start doing this till you have at least 30- 60 days in then go ahead and add in a cheat day.

Having a day with no rules provides the mental break needed to continue with your fitness objectives. And a lot of keeping your goals is in your mindset and after 21 days you will have created a new habit that won’t make if feel like a choir anymore.

If your goal is to lose weight and a lot of times this is the goal. You need to be 100% on your physical fitness and dieting. If you are only exercising, but you aren’t eating properly you will only get 50% of the result.

These are some supplements that will help you stay on track with both physical fitness and eating. My recommendations are below:

Juniper Life- Need an increase in Energy? Starting a diet and maintaining a diet can sometimes drain your energy by taking this supplement within 15-30 minutes after taking Juniper Life transformation program, you should experience a boost in energy, focus, and motivation.

Additionally, your appetite will diminish quickly and this will last all day. If you’re interested you can buy it here from Amazon by clicking this link. 

I hate cooking and sometimes don’t have time to make something to eat before heading to work or going out to exercise. In less than a minute you can mix a protein shake that will help you feel full and give you the energy needed to get through your workout.

MuscleTech NitroTech Protein Powder Is One Of my Favorites. It’s 100% Whey Protein Powder which provides the building blocks for lean muscle and recovery that you will need. You can get it by clicking on this link.

The Importance Of Goal Setting In Living A Physical Fitness Program

Keeping Yourself Engaged To Reach The Best You Possible

Create a fitness-to-do list for the day. Write down at least three things you want to do that will help you continue your new fitness lifestyle. This will help you set the tone for the day. In my opinion writing down your fitness objectives provides a mental agreement with yourself to complete those objectives.

Once you learn the basics of setting your fitness goals, you will be able to effectively lead a life of health and fitness. It will be more realistic to you and you will soon be an expert on achieving your goal of leading a healthy life filled with a new found energy that you will love.