what exercise burns the most belly fat

What Exercise Burns The Most Belly Fat? Get Our FREE Guide

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What exercise burns the most belly fat?

First you’ll discover 5 ways to burn belly fat fast.

Then after we answer the question of what exercise burns the most belly fat.

Make sure to download our Free Weight Loss Guide.

The following exercises are good for men and women below:

#1. Plank

Although the exercise itself is not complicated.

Plank exercises are great for losing belly fat.

And you won’t need any equipment making it perfect for home workouts.

  • Get On Your Front And Place Your Elbows Underneath Your Shoulders
  • Lift Your Entire Body So You Are Parallel To The Floor
  • Start With 30 Seconds and Aim for 2 minutes
  • The ultimate goal is to hold this position for 5 minutes

Can you complete five minutes?

Let us know in the comments below.

What Exercise Burns The Most Belly Fat

#2. Leg Lifts

This is a workout you might have done in gym class.

I know I did and I hated them…

Although they work well to burn belly fat.

  • Start by laying on your back with your palms face down
  • Keep your feet together as you lift your legs up
  • Complete 4 Sets of 10 – 12 Reps

Can you feel your stomach burning after the first set?

Don’t stop keep going and watch the belly fat disappear.

#3. Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are an excellent cardio exercise that help you lose weight.

You should include this exercise into your workout routine and aim for 100 reps and complete them at least three times per week.

#4. HIIT

HIIT workouts are one of the best for burning fat.

It’s a high intensity exercises that won’t take very much of your time.

Although the results are amazing!

Do you want to try this workout for yourself?

Watch the video above for your first 15 minute workout.

#5. Weight Training

Weight training exercises are the best weight to tone your muscles as well as help you burn more calories.

Below Are Some Basic Weight Training Excercises:

#1. Bicep Curls

#2. Tricep Extentions

#3. Shoulder Press

#4. Squats

#5. Leg Extentions

If you are new to weight training start with a weight that you can lift at least 10 times for 4 sets.

To get proper form you can watch videos or get the help of a personal trainer.

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what exercises burns the most belly fat


What Exercise Burns The Most Belly Fat?

Now that you know the answer to this question.

Get started right away and also include a diet plan.

As always consult your medical provider before starting any new diet or exercise routine.

It’s also important to warm up and stretch before starting your belly fat burning exercises because it can help prevent injuries.

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