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Components of health are important to learn in order to achieve peak health. Exercising and eating healthy is good, but there are other components of health that should be identified.
Health and wellness go hand and hand and that’s why implementing all the components of health will be beneficial for you.
When you first start to live a healthier life it will usually start with dieting or exercise and usually both. As you continue to move forward you will learn this is just the beginning of a healthy lifestyle.
So if living a better life is important to you read on to learn how to live life to the fullest in all areas.

5 Components Of Health
Components of health will be mastered over a period of time. You didn’t learn everything you know about healthy eating and exercising in one day and it will be the same for each area of healthier living.
Here are the 5 components of health:
#1. Physical
This is the component of health that is most common to be utilized. Physical means exercising, eating nutritional foods, and getting plenty of sleep.
Being physically fit means you are able to complete daily tasks, maintaining a healthy body fat percentage, developing your respiratory health with cardio, and getting to the proper amount of sleep.
It should go without saying to be physically fit also means to avoid unhealthy habits such as tobacco and to drink alcohol in moderation.

#2. Mental Wellness
Component of health includes mental wellness having the ability to learn and use the information for your career, personal, and family development.
#3. Emotional Wellness
To have healthy emotions you need the ability to control stress and express your emotions. You will see how each component of health is interconnected.
If you are physically fit you can greatly benefit emotionally by exercising and getting the right amount of sleep you can greatly diminish your stress levels.

#4. Social Wellness
Components of health that is probably most neglected are social wellness. There was a recent study of how loneliness of millennials has become an epidemic.
Interacting with people and being social in person and not on your phone or through the internet. It’s important to have a social life to maintain an optimally healthy life.

#5. Spiritual Wellness
Having spiritual wellness gives you meaning and direction for your life. Components of health that you might not have thought about are to have a life that includes prayer, morals, and values that you live by.

Components of health that you can live by and use for a better life. It’s good that you are exercising and eating for optimum health now utilize the complete five components of health and you’ll be glad you did.
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