
Dietbet Lose Weight And Win Amazing!

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Dietbet is a fun way to lose weight and earn money.

If you are struggling to stay motivated to lose weight you need to check out dietbet.

As a participant you can bet that you’ll lose a certain amount of body weight in a certain amount of time.

Typically the bets range from $20 to $50 so it’s affordable on most budgets.

The participants the win get their money back and split the money from those that didn’t achieve their weight loss goal.

According to Dietbet they have helped over 400,000 people across 90 countries shed unwanted pounds.

And winners have received over $21 million which has boosted Dietbet popularity.

Are you curious to learn more about Dietbet?

Read on to find out if you should start your own Dietbet.


Fitness App That Pays

Every new year the number one goal for most of my clients as a personal trainer was to lose weight.

This is the Year!

No more excuses…

And by March all of that motivation was gone.

What happen?

It comes down to making a commitment you can stick to and keeping it no matter what it takes till you reach your goal.

Tony Robbin’s calls this your “why”.

Dietbet has been effective because putting your money on the line as long as it’s enough to cause pain if you don’t get it back can be truly motivating for some.

So how does it work?

Learn how Dietbet works next…


How Does Dietbet Work?

You choose do you want to lose 4% or 10% of your bodyweight?

If you are new I recommend starting out with a 4% Kickstarter because it only lasts 4 weeks compared to 6 months with the 10% transformer bet.

After you have selected between the Kickstarter or Transformer a group of participants will agree on a weight loss goal and put their money into the pot.

The winners will split the pot of cash.

Here Are The Basics:

  • Pick From List Of Available Games
  • Your Weight Is Verified Each Round By Uploading Two Pictures

Let’s say you bet $50

And are participating in the weigh loss goal of losing 10% of your bodyweight in 6 months.

Your bet would be $50 per month = $300 for 6 months

You lose 10% bodyweight in 6 months.

You WIN!

It’s that simple the difficult part is keeping your commitment.


Dietbet Tips For Verifying Your Photo Proof

The two photos you will submit will be:

PHOTO #1. One picture with your feet on a digital scale

PHOTO #2. Your entire body lightly clothed on the same scale

If your photo is rejected you only get 12 hour grace period to resubmit a qualifying photo.

So make sure you are able to schedule your weigh ins to be ready for anything that might come up.

Dietbet Alternatives

Do you want more ways to win money for losing weight?

Below Are Additional Apps That Pay You:

#1. Healthywage

Do you want to boost the likelihood your weight loss journey will be successful? Leading academic research shows that money enhances weight loss success, making dieters significantly more likely to lose weight. HealthyWage uses cash-based challenges designed to help end procrastination, encourage perseverance, and harness the power of your desire to avoid losing your wager. Get started today and make your HealthyWager.

You could earn even more money by participating in the Healthywage challenge and earn up to $10,000 for your effort.

Sign Up. Join a Team. Lose Weight. Win up to $10,000!

READ: Healthywage Review

This weight loss app is very similar to Dietbet because you are betting money that you will lose weight by a specific time frame.

#2. Sweatcoin

This app rewards you for walking by tracking your steps.

It’s not very lucrative way to exercise for money, but it’s totally free.

So just consider it a bonus way to earn money as you walk throughout the day.

You can earn cool rewards both digital or physical and even get great prices on iPhones and Flatscreen TVs.

READ: Sweatcoin Review

I’ve used this app in the past and it’s a legit way to earn money for wallking.

The downside is that it’s not going to pay as much as you could earn from the apps above.



Now you know more about Dietbet.

Will you be using these apps to earn money for losing weight?

Let me know in the comments.

You could download all of the apps on this page to maximize your earnings potential.

If you are going to participate in a weight loss challenge to earn money.

I recommend starting slow and working your way up to longer and more profitable challenges later.

The reason this works is that money can be a strong motivator to get people to do things they might normally not do without it.

To be successful you will need to make the commitment that you will stick it through and lose the weight you agreed to within a specific time frame.

Below Are Supplements That Can Boost Weight Loss To Give You An Edge:

Maximum Slim Sample Pack – $6.95
from: Maximum Slim CheatMeals – $49.97
Retail Price: $79.97
You Save: $30.00
from: Health Fitness & Longevity Slim Shots -30 Drinks / 30% Off Everything – $39.00
from: GP Nutrition

Please share this article with friends or family that would be interested in learning more about Dietbet.

And make sure to check out my other articles below:


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