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Most guys that lift weight have a goal of getting bigger arms. Gaining an inch on your arms isn’t as difficult as you might think.
In some cases I’ve seen this accomplished in only a week or less. Normally this kinda of increase in arm size takes a month or so, but if you are up to the challenge you can grow your arms much faster.
If you’re serious about big arms then this is the post for you. You’ll learn how to grow an inch on your arms fast.
You’re gonna be doing exercises beyond the standard bicep curls. Adding these exercises to your routine will give you an awesome pump and make you feel superhuman.

3 Tips To Bigger Arms

Get that tape measure out and take down your current arm measurements. The arm is 75% Triceps knowing this is going to help you explode your arms to the next level.
Are you ready?
Here we go!
#1. Stretch Rest Arm Routine
The purpose of this arm workout is to stretch on your rest periods which will allow more blood flow into your arms.
First off you’ll complete cable kickbacks for 10 repetitions. After finishing perform an overhead tricep stretch with the elbow pointing up to the ceiling and your opposite arm pushing your back. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds and repeat on the other arm. Rest another 15 seconds and complete another 10 repetitions of curls. Run through this routine for 3-5 sets.
Next, complete a set of incline dumbbell curls for 10 repetitions. After finishing using the bench as a prop to hold with your hands and lean your body forward while stretching the biceps muscle. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds and repeat on the other arm. Rest another 15 seconds and complete another 10 repetitions of curls. Run through this routine for 3-5 sets.
#2. 21’s
This is my favorite way to instantly put size on my arms. You will be hitting each muscle from the buttom-to-middle and middle-to-top positions of each exercise. This arm routine is a killer – You’ll be feeling very sore once completed.
#3. The 4 week Routine
If speed isn’t an issue for you following this routine will give you an extra inch to your arms within 4 weeks.
Complete 4 Sets Of 10 Reps For Each Exercise
- Hammer Curls
- Standing Barbell Curls
- Cable Curls
- EZ Barbell Curls
- Tricep KickBacks
- Tricep Pressdowns
- Skull Crushers
- Dips
PRO TIP: For all exercise select a weight that allows you to reach failure at designated rep ranges. If the weights you’re using are too heavy, reduce your load and do the exercise properly.
The last 2 – 3 reps should be diffcult for you to complete. If they aren’t you need to increase the amount of weight you are using.
Also, it’s a good idea to have someone help you complete your final reps.
Train your biceps twice a week giving a two day rest period in between.

Additional Tips To Get Bigger Arms
There are some additional tips that should be followed to help you get bigger arms.
Make sure to hit your arms hard. Lift as heavy as you can without neglecting your form. When adding mass a good rule to follow is to keep your intensity at a fast pace.
The best way to guage this is that your entire workout should last no longer than 45 minutes to complete. When you have a goal of growing your rest periods should be no longer than 60 seconds.
This is not the time to go on a diet. When growing your arms you’ll want to eat every 2-3 hours, 6-7 times a day.
PRO TIP: Within 30 minutes of your workout consume a 1 scoop of whey protein
When you have a goal of growing your arms bigger you’ll need to up your game in the gym and think about the muscles as you work them.
In most cases you can grow an extra inch on your arms in four weeks or faster. The keys to making this work is to have intensity, eat at least 5 -6 meals a day, and take supplements.
Use the heaviest weight you can while still using good form. Hit your arms hard and take short rest breaks of no more than 60 seconds.
Keep your workouts under 45 minutes this way you know you’re working out at the correct pace.
If you’d have any questions or comments on this post please leave them below.