The Red Tea Detox

Red Tea Detox-My Review And Results

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Red Tea Detox

Red Tea Detox-Is it a scam?

Now that’s it’s summer, it’s that time of year when people are looking to get in shape and lose weight fast. Gotta look good in that bikini ladies and men want to feel confident taking their shirt off. A very hot product for 2018, is Red Tea Detox. I wanted to find out if it’s as good as everyone says and if it’s something that really works. The claim is that the owner of the product Liz Miller lost 14 pounds in 14 days.

The Red Tea Detox

Tea For Detoxing-

  • Tea has less caffeine than coffee and herbal teas have none
  • Great for your heart health
  • As long as you don’t add anything – tea is calorie free

In fact, Red tea is different than the conventional types of teas you find on the market. For one, is completely natural. Secondly, the results will be clear from day one. You will not only look and feel better, but you can actually reverse the aging process and look younger. This all sounds good, but what about the claim to lose weight?

Tea For Dieting- 

Generally, people assume that they have to reduce their calorie intake in a bid to lose weight. It is true that you have to cut certain items from your diet if you want to shed the excess fat from your body, but that alone will not deliver the results you are looking for.

You have to complement your weight loss efforts by consuming the right items, which will speed up the process, enabling you to burn more fat quickly. Drinking tea has proven an effective means of losing weight.

People around the world consume different types of tea on a daily basis, including green tea, to reduce the harmful effects of the food they consume. The main reason tea works for weight loss is because it flushes out toxins from your system.

For example, during the first phase that lasts a week, you will lose up to eight pounds, on average. In the last phase, you will have to focus on calculating your BMR as well as tracking the nutrients and calories you are consuming as part of your diet. These steps help prepare your body to burn fat.

The focus of the diet is to enhance your metabolism as well as to reduce the number of toxins you ingest. Your body becomes a fat-burning machine when you are on The Red Tea Detox, which means that you can lose weight safely, and in a healthy manner.

Results of Drinking Red Tea Detox-

By drinking this tea every day, you start to notice a tangible difference within 30 days. It’s recommended to change your diet and start an exercise plan as well as drinking Red Tea Detox. 

It seems the people that don’t like it or get the results they are looking for didn’t use the product for more than a few weeks. And didn’t use it every day, you need to be consistent and not just go into this with the mindset that it’s a cure-all. Like most diets, you need to follow certain steps that will lead to success.

The taste overall is good, I am a tea drinker and some teas really don’t taste very good. This one I could drink once a day. There are several recipes that you can use with this tea too. If you’re interested there is a book available from Liz Miller with tips and diet plans.




The Red Tea Detox program isn’t just about drinking tea – there’s so much more than you must understand. So much about how we eat and even exercise that actually hinders weight loss!

This program shows you the truth about losing weight and rejuvenating your body.  Because so much of what most people believe is good fitness sense is actually doing more harm than good!

If you’re looking for some assistance to lose weight, Red Tea Detox will definitely help. Just don’t expect to eat donuts and pizza with it : ) You have to actually change your diet and add in the benefits of exercise and there is no reason that you wouldn’t lose weight fast.