Lose 20 Pounds Fast

Tips Lose Belly Fat

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Summer is usually the time everyone wants to look good with fewer clothes on. I wanted to share some tips for burning belly fat.

I’ll be covering what to eat, exercise, and how long you should wait before seeing results. And keeping a proper mindset to reach your goal.

Foods that Burn Belly Fat

  • Soup
  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Milk/Yogurt
  • Leafy Greens
  • Oatmeal
  • Dark Chocolate

Loose 20 Pounds Fast

Adding protein to your diet and eating several smaller meals throughout the day is a great way to keep yourself from feeling hungry and prevent from cheating on your diet.

If you have a sweet tooth like me for example, adding honey or cinnamon to oatmeal can definitely help.

Have your meals for the day prepared the day before. This will help you from trying to figure out what to eat next and keep you from eating something you shouldn’t.

Push out all junk food, cookies, crackers, candy bars, and alcohol too. Limit the alcohol intake and try to eliminate it completely. At least until you reach your goal.

You can have it back in a moderate amount later on.

Exercises that Burn Belly Fat

The go-to exercise to burn belly fat for me would be crunched. Do as many as you can do. I recommend 1000 Crunches in the morning and 1000 more at night before bed.

Space out crunches a day apart. Monday, Wednesday, Friday for example. Plank exercises work well too. Try to hold it for 30-60 seconds and work your way up to as long as you can hold it.

Running and Walking both shed calories fast. Running and walking you can do every day and build up the distance and time you go each time you’re outside.

Have a goal in mind that you want to reach. You might only be able to walk or run a mile when you first start but set a goal that you will go beyond this in the next 30 days.

Swimming and Biking are also great for quickly burning belly fat. In my opinion, it’s more fun to bike or swim.

So I usually do one or the other for my cardio routine. Try to set a schedule for your workouts. It’s good to get in at least three days per week for no less than 20 minutes.

Tips Lose Belly Fat


How long to see results?

If you burn 500 to 1000 Calories a day, you will lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. You should be able to look in the mirror and notice some improvements within weeks 3 or 4.

Clothes will begin to feel loose and you might even have friends tell you they see a difference. Get a tape measure to track yourself from week to week.

Have a friend or a workout partner take some before and after pictures. Monthly pictures to document the progress helps you stay on track and keep your focus.


How to stay motivated?

There are several ways to keep motivated when looking for burn belly fat. I remember one thing that worked for me that I learned years ago, was to walk around the house with your shirt off.

Every time you see yourself, it will remind you of why you started. Post pictures of someone you want to look like on your refrigerator.

Have a family member or fitness partner workout with you and if you don’t feel like working out one day, make sure they are someone that will help you get your training in no matter what.

Keep a fitness journal. Write down your goals, reasons you want to do this, why you want to do this, and how you will feel when you achieve this goal.

Today there are several gadgets that can keep you on track too. Some watches or phones have tracking that will help you measure the distance or steps you walked throughout the day.

Look for apps that you can download to see your progress. And always reward yourself once you have accomplished losing your belly fat.

You’ll probably want and need a new wardrobe after losing the weight. And it will make you feel great too.

Tips Lose Belly Fat


Losing weight doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does take commitment and discipline. Start with a diet that includes high protein.

Choose nuts, beans, tuna, milk, leafy greens, and oatmeal to start with and rid your home of junk food. Exercise at least three days a week for 20 minutes minimum.

Make sure you have cardio mixed in with your training routine. Within 30 days you will see results, you will feel better and look better. Some days you will just not want to exercise or maybe cheat on your diet.

It’s good to have a support person that can help you with this. Make sure it’s someone that won’t let you get away with skipping or cheating.

Have a vision in your mind about what you will look like and know the reasons why you want this. And I can’t forget to mention, have fun!