Sports Nutrition Body Building Supplements

Sports Nutrition BodyBuilding Supplements

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Essential BodyBuilding Supplements-That Work!

I’ll cover the essential supplements every bodybuilder needs to get as big and strong as possible. Since there are so many products on the market, I am only listing the products that I know work.

I’ve tried a variety of different supplements and brands over the years and have competed in several bodybuilding competitions over the years too. Sometimes I get recommendations from friends at the gym and they will tell me what they like, I try it and if I see results, I become a buyer fast.

You can consider me the guinea pig on this, so you can save money I wasted on products that didn’t work very well.  If you’re reading this, you probably spend a lot of time in the gym and training to get the most muscle and strength you can from each and every workout. You want all your hard work and effort to pay off to the maximum. 

Sports Nutrition Supplements

What Are The Best Essential BodyBuilding Supplements?

1. L-Glutamine Powder- 

Promotes muscle growth and prevents muscle loss.L-Glutamine also boost energy and endurance will help with muscle recovery. A bunch of different brands available on the market today, but bulk supplements is one of the best.

Average Customer Rating: 4.6 out of 5 Stars


Nearly Through My First Bag, it’s essential for anyone looking for muscle mass and overall good health. Will Order Again. 


Love this product! Great packaging and price point. 


Love This Product!

2. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein Powder

Whey Protein is essential for muscle recovery and has been proven to increase muscle mass within 6-7 weeks. Best taken after working out. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard is highly recommended.

Average Customer Ratings: 4.4 out of 5 Stars


Works and tastes Great! Highly Recommend


Best whey protein powder ever made, period. 


This stuff makes me feel like a God.

3. Micronized Creatine Monohydrate Powder

Dissolves easily and boosts muscle strength and mass. improves athletic performance by increasing the availability of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). A molecule that gives the body energy.

Average Customer Rating: 4.8 out of 5 Stars


This Stuff Works-Buy it!

So I am going to do a combined review since I am using 4 products from this company. Let me start off by saying I am very active.. endurance runner, sprinter, weight training, hiking etc.. I have been getting joint pain and inflammation for the past year.

Looked into products that would help these problems along with others to add to my workout routine, so I ended up purchasing their MSM, L-Glutamine, BCAA’S and Creatine Monohydrate.

The first thing I noticed is how good my body actually felt with this combination. I was able to power through my runs and workouts and have not had any joint pain or inflammation AT ALL!


This is probably the best Creatine powder I have found. It mixes very easy even in just a cup of water with a spoon.

4. beta alanine

Beta Alanine will help you build muscle, sustain maximum output, and recover from intense training.

Average Customer Rating: 4.3 Out of 5 Stars


Great Flavor, Seems to Prevent Muscle loss!

Due to injury and subsequent surgery, I’ve been unable to work out for a little while. Decided to get BCAAs for two reasons: 1) to prevent/slow muscle loss during my off time, and 2) encourage water intake. This BCAAs fulfilled both very well.

1) While variables weren’t strictly controlled, based on the numbers from my digital scale and general observations about my body, these BCAAs appear to have significantly slowed (if not almost completely prevented) catabolic processes from occurring while I was not training for several months.

My weight has gone down (as expected), but so has my body fat, while my muscle percentage has increased. This suggests muscle loss was very minimal.

1b) Again, a subjective measurement, but my (whole body) hair growth seems to have sped up almost undetectable.. a suggestion that protein synthesis increased?

2) I filled a large Blender bottle to the rim each morning with one full scoop of BCAAs, and brought it to work. The flavor is wonderful and definitely encouraged water consumption.

This was just the right amount of water for me, and as noted above seemed to play a significant role in preventing muscle loss.


This is the stuff!

I personally love this stuff. It is non-stimulant so I can take it before bed and I’ve noticed my muscles are much fuller with BCAA.

You just have to make sure to work out when taking this stuff, this is NOT a meal replacement, rather a support system for your body when you put it through demanding physical activity.

5. L-Citrulline DL-Malate Powder

Improves endurance, reduces fatigue and speeds up workout recovery. Citrulline may also stimulate insulin release, remove toxic ammonia from the blood, and improve heart health.

Average Customer Ratings: 4.8 out of 5 Stars


Great product, excellent value!

I began taking this product after being directed to do so through various patient forums for folks who have narcolepsy.

I take 2 tsp 2x/daily mixed in with juice. So far I have noticed a decrease in fatigue and some substantial benefits regarding my digestion. 


Good Stuff, Recommend it.

I don’t like pre-made stacks. So, I do my own and I can handle the tangy flavors. Currently, my stack is BulkSupplements L-Arginine, HCL-Citrulline DL-Malate 1:1 Powder, and Optimum Glutamine before I work out -.

L-Arginine is going to give you that slight “pump” which feels good, a little redundancy with L-Citrulline Dl Malate (pumps and recovery) and Glutamine for recovery. BulkSupplements is a fine vendor! Keep it in very dry place and put it in another plastic bag – you don’t want this clumping.

You’re Ready To Explode Your Muscle Growth-Like A Boss

This list of essential bodybuilding supplements is key to anyone wanting increased strength and muscle mass. I know for myself, I’ve had more energy going into the gym and my muscles feel ready the next day to do it over again.

Not feeling sore the next day has been a major plus and a feeling of going all out in the gym has made improvements to every exercise I do. If you would like to add a comment or recommend a product. Please do so, always love to hear from you.